Top-class structural
testing equipment
Our structural testing equipment and services
Our equipment enables us to obtain reliable structural investigation results. We offer complex structural testing services, as in the majority of cases the most accurate measurements are obtained when non-destructive tests (NDT) are combined with semi-destructive tests (SDT) and/or destructive tests. For example, we are able to do Schmidt (rebound) hammer tests combined with ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests; furthermore we can correlate their results with concrete compressive strength obtained by core testing in a compression machine. We can also verify the results of concrete scanning by small breakout to confirm rebar diameter or cover. Moreover, we can verify thickness with the use of a ground penetrating radar (GPR), transpointers or core drilling.
Non-destructive tests (NDT):
Concrete scanning, rebar location, determining the spacing and estimate diameter of bars, detection of metal and non-metal objects in concrete (even in multiple layers) as well as of tendons, pipes, voids and cavities, pointing safe coring points.
Hilti Ferroscan PS 200, Hilti Ferroscan PS300 and Proceq Profometer 650 AI concrete scanners, Hilti X-Scan PS1000 and GSSI StructureScan Mini XT + Palm XT antenna + LineTrac XT ground penetrating radars, Hilti PS 50 multidetector, covermeters Elcometer 331 and Proceq Profometer 3
Ultrasonic concrete tests, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) and ultrasonic pulse-echo (UPE), compressive strength estimation and concrete uniformity checks, detection of places with low quality concreting, locating voids in elements, thickness measurement with one-sided access, cracks depth measurement in reinforced concrete structures.
Proceq Pundit PL-200 PE and ACSys UK1401 ultrasonic pulse velocity testers
Concrete test hammer, concrete compressive strength estimation and uniformity checking.
Proceq Original Schmidt Typ N and Proceq OS-120PT Schmidt (rebound) hammers
Thickness measurements of steel sections (by ultrasonic method), also excluding the surface layer such as paint coatings or corrosion, and hardness measurements (by Leeb's method).
Metrison Sono M660 thickness gauge and Proceq Equotip 2 hardness gauge
Other, e.g. precise measurements of deformation of structural elements, measurements of temperature and moisture of materials and elements, installation of crackmeters and crack monitoring, inspections with the use of an endoscope camera or a drone, analyses of wood uniformity and quality with the use of wood test hammer.
Leica Disto D510 Pro Pack laser distance meter and optical level, Flir E8 thermal imaging camera, Protimeter Surveymaster and MMS moisture meters, DRC Woodpecker wood penetrometer
Semi-destructive (SDT) and destructive tests:
Pull-off tests, adhesion test of coatings, concrete surfaces and its overlays, quality control prior to any concrete repairs.
DeFelsko Positest AT-A pull-off adhesion tester
Anchor and fastener tests, determination of pull-out resistance of anchors; application of specific, designed test loads to fasteners set in various materials in order to establish a safe load or to verify the quality of fasteners.
Hilti HAT28 M, Hilti DPG100 anchor testers
Concrete coring (core sample diameter 25/50/75/100/150 [mm]; drill outer diameter respectively 31/55/82/107/157 mm) with or without the use of a drill stand, core drilling (wet and dry) for core testing in a compression machine and/or a chemical analysis (Chloride Ion content, carbonation depth), measurement of the element thickness in the range of 5-135 [cm], pointing safe drill points with transferring the location to the other side of the element, e.g. a wall or slab.
Baier BDB825 diamond core drill machine with Baier BST 200 stand
Hilti PX10T + PX10R transpointer
The diversity of offered tests allows us to select optimal solutions and provide comprehensive structural investigation services. Our experience enables us to solve most of the encountered structural problems. We provide our services throughout the Poland as well neighbouring countries.
Contact us to discuss the most suitable structural investigation methods and to schedule a performance date.